
Vegetable Mustard seed's Medicinal Properties

Mustard Seed

Scientific Name- 

White Mustard seed- (Brassica campestris)

Rapeseed- (B. integrifolia

Mustard leaves and young stalks are widely used as winter vegetables (especially Northern India). This vegetable is rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins. There are some differences in nutritional value between species.

𛲣Chemical Properties of Vegetable Mustard seed:-

        Chemical analysis found in -

Per 100 grams edible

 Aqueous part

 89 g


 155 mg


 3.2 g


 16.3 mg


 4 g


 0.03 mg 


 0.6 g


 33 mg


 1.6 mg


 4370 I.U


 26  mg



 It also contains volatile oils. Allyl iso thiocyanate and other chemical compounds associated with it is responsible for its acrimonious properties.

𛲣Medicinal Properties of Mustard seed:-

The oil obtained from mustard seeds has medicinal properties. White mustard seeds are beneficial in warming, antiperspirant, convulsions and rheumatism. This oil is used for massage in various diseases. It is used to treat skin rashes and wounds.

𛲣Use in Curing Disease:-

  1. Applying mustard oil on the soles of the feet gives quick relief from cold.
  2. Special benefits are obtained by massaging the chest of children by boiling mashkalai in mustard oil. 

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