
Vegetable- Giant Taro's( Mankachu) Medicinal Properties

Giant Taro( Mankachu)
(Alocasia indica Schoot)

Scientific Name- (Alocasia indica Schoot)

The householders plants the Giant Taro trees around their house. Its tuber diameter is 15-20 cm tall and it seen to be up to 2 meters long. Its tubers are very popular everywhere as food. Giant Taro, who grew up in shade are very itchy our face when we eat them.

𛲣Medicinal properties of Vegetable (Giant Taro):-

Its tubers and stems are medicinal. useful in tuberculosis, constipation and edema. The leaves are antiseptic and astringent. Dried tubers are mild laxative and diuretic. From Giant Taro's tuber we get pure white starch. These sugars are very nutritious and suitable for use by addicts.

𛲣Use in curing Diseases:-

  • Crushing a piece of dried Giant Taro(Mankochu) after baking and take the powder of Giant Taro. Take a teaspoon of cow's milk butter. Take a teaspoon of sugar-candy. Then mixed the three items and use it in the morning and in the afternoon for a few days cure Hemorrhoids. 
  • Old Giant Taro's (Mankachu) powder  and rice powder are mixed with water or milk and sugar to make pulp. The use of this pulp relieves edema.
  • Vegetable Giant Taro's (Mankachu) ash is applied to heal the wound of the tongue.
  • Boil the stalk of Giant Taro and put a drop of juice in the ear to stop pus in the ear.
It is better not to use Giant taro( Manakchu) for those who get itchy when they hear the name of  Taro(Kachu).

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