
Vegetable Beet's Medicinal Properties

(Beta vulgaris)

Scientific Name- (Beta vulgaris)

As a vegetable beets are also very popular in our country like radish, carrot etc. It is widely used as a salad. 

𛲣Chemical properties of Vegetable beets:-

        The results of chemical analysis of its roots are as follows-

Per 100 grams edible

 Aqueous part

 87.7 g


 59.8 mg


 1.7 g


 43 mg


 0.1 g


 0.20 mg


 8.8 g


 14 mg


 0.8 g 


 0.04 mg


 200 mg


 0.09 mg


 9 mg

 Nicotinic Acid

 0.4 mg


 55 mg


 88 mg


 0.4 mg



 ð›²£Medicinal Properties of Vegetable beets:-

Due to the presence of various minerals and vitamins, beet is beneficial in malnutrition. Its leaves and seeds are medicinal. External application of leaves is beneficial in burns and cuts. Seeds are used to reduce sweating as they have a cool quality.

𛲣 Use in Curing Disease:-

  1. Eating 25-30 grams of raw beet salad with rice or bread twice in a day is beneficial of malnutrition in between of two months.
  2. Cooking beet leaves and eating with rice or bread is beneficial for constipation.
  3. 25 grams of beet is chopped and boiled in two cups of water. Drinking hot water straining it while it is hot is beneficial for urination.

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