
Vegetable Green peas Medicinal Properties


Green Peas
(Pisum sativum)

Scientific Name- (Pisum sativum)

We all know the need of Green peas as pulses and Vegetables. These highly nutritious green peas are rich in easily digestible proteins, sugars and vitamins. It also contains a lot of minerals.

𛲡Chemical Properties of Green peas:- 

        The results of the Chemical analysis of Green peas are as follows:

Per 100 grams of edible

 Aqueous part

 72 g


 0.01 mg


 7.2 g


 34 mg


 0.1 g


 139 mg


 15.8 g


 7.8 mg


 0.8 g


 0.25 mg


 20 g

 Nicotinic Acid

 0.8 mg


 79 mg


 9 mg


 0.23 mg


 139 I.U


 1.5 mg




 95 mg



 It also contains a variety of free amino acids.

𛲣Medicinal Properties of Green peas:-

Seeds are aerating, anti-inflammatory, cough-killer, flavoring and detoxifying. 

𛲡Use in Curing Disease :-

  1. If urine falls like phlegm, soak 15/20 grams of peas in a glass of hot water overnight and strain the water the next day and drink it. This eliminates the problem in a few days. 
  2. Prickly heat (Ghamachi) is removed by rubbing on the skin of peas grind.
  3. For back and knee pain, it is beneficial to fry crushed motor in mustard oil and massage the oil on the spot. To fry the peas, you have to take three times the oil of the peas.  

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