
Vegetable Ash gourd's Medicinal Properties

Ash Gourd
(Benincasa cerifera)

 Scientific Name- (Benincasa cerifera)

Ash gourd has white hairs on its stems and leaves. Ash gourd looks very round, hairy. Usually ash gourd is used as a vegetable. Sometimes ash gourd leaves are also used as a vegetable.

𛲣 Chemical Properties of vegetable Ash gourd:-

        The results of the chemical analysis of ash gourd are as follows-

Per 100 grams edible


 Aqueous part

 96.5 g


 0.4 g


 1.9 g


 0.1 g


 0.3 g


 30 mg


 20 mg


 0.8 mg


 0.06 mg


 0.1 mg

 Nicotinic Acid

 0.4 mg

 Vitamin C

 1 mg



𛲣 Medicinal Properties of Vegetable Ash gourd:-

Ash gourd is famous for its medicinal properties. Ash gourd is soothing, fortifying, nourishing and diuretic. Drinking fresh ash gourd juice stops internal bleeding. According to Ayurveda; it is a great medicine for epilepsy and nervous disease. Drinking fresh ash gourd juice with sugar is beneficial in nervous diseases. Ash gourd seeds are deworming. 

𛲣 Use in curing diseases:-

  • Old ash gourd juice is a perfect medicine for insane disease. It is also useful in diabetes and gallstones.
  • Constipation is relieved by drinking four to five teaspoons of ash gourd juice with hot milk. It helps to clear both urine and feces.
  • For colic, it is beneficial to eat half a gram of ash gourd peel is burnt in a pot.
  • Message the juice of ash gourd in the stomach, the problem of flatulence and incontinence is eliminated.

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