
Vegetable Ivy Gourd (Kundri) Medicinal Properties

Ivy Gourd (Kundri)

(Coccina grandis)

Scientific Name- (Coccina grandis)

    Although it is not usually cultivated in all over the Country. A species of Telakucha known as Ivy gourd (Kundri) is cultivated somewhere. Its fruits are sweet and it is used as a vegetable. The leaves of this creeping tree are often used as vegetables.

Chemical Properties of Vegetable Ivy gourd (Kundri):-

    Chemical analysis shows that it contains 93.5% Aqueous part, 3.1% Starch, 1.2% Protein and 0.1% Fat.

Medicinal Properties of Vegetable Ivy gourd (Kundri) :-

The roots and leaves of the tree have medicinal properties. Its use in Diabetes. Ivy gourd(Kundri) juice is beneficial for Gonorrhea. It is a cold, edema and and cough suppressant. Ivy gourd(Kundri) is very useful in Arthritis pain.

Use in Curing Disease:-

  1. Those who get colds with the change of seasons, If they drink 4-5 teaspoons of Ivy gourd(Kundri) leaves and roots juice in the morning and in the afternoon, the cold is prevented.
  2. If you have fresh blood in the stool but there is no symptoms of hemorrhoids or no burning pain, they can stop bleeding by heating the juice of the leaves and roots of Ivy gourd lightly and drinking three teaspoon.
  3. In case of Diabetes, if you drink three teaspoons of juice of Ivy gourd (Kundri) leaves and roots a little hot, you will feel physical well after three-four days.
  4. Consumption of four to five drops of honey with raw Ivy gourd (Kundri) juice twice a day in the morning and in the afternoon gives the benefit of lack of breast milk in 4-5 days.
  5. Relieving vomiting after eating too bad or too much is a relief. In this condition 5-6 teaspoons of Ivy gourd (Kundri) leaves juice is drunk and vomiting occurs.

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