
Vegetable White goosefoot's Medicinal Properties

(Chenopodium album)

Scientific Name- (Chenopodium album)

This herbaceous plant is considered as an innocent food. Basically it is a weed; It is also a popular winter vegetable. It is cultivated somewhere. It is available in abundance in villages. It is also seen as a weed in Kharif crops. Apart from India, it is also found in other countries of the world. 

𛲢Chemical Properties of White goosefoot:~
    In chemical analysis, saponin, various vitamins such as keratin, vitamin C were found in it.  Also sterols and various inorganic substances such as magnesium, phosphorus and small amount of volatile oil (0.03-0.04%) are found. Its seeds are rich in protein. Dry seeds contain 15.8% protein, 5.8% lipids, 0.8% minerals, 18.4% fiber. It is also rich in vitamin B.

𛲢 Medicinal Properties of White goosefoot:~
    White goosefoot plays an important role in curing various diseases and boosting immunity. This vegetable has many medicinal properties. Improves digestion, increases appetite, relieves stomach pain. The plant is laxative. Beneficial in hemorrhoids and anthelmintic. The place of this vegetable in the first row in the ability to cure diseases.

𛲢 Use in Curing Disease:~
1. Three-four spoons of White goosefoot's juice mixed with warm milk will stop the bleeding of hemorrhoids.
2. In case of dry cough, drinking the juice of white goosefoot for a few days is beneficial and brings back the taste in the mouth.
3. Mix vegetable juice of white goosefoot with sesame oil and water and heat it. Applying this mixture on the head when it is cold removes dandruff, lice and scalp sores.
4. A teaspoon of white goosefoot's juice mixed with fresh dough relieves nausea.
5. If the function of the liver is weak, acid diseases, constipation and hives etc. occur. It is beneficial to cook and eat white goosefoot at this time.
6. In case of worms, 2-3 spoons of white goosefoot's juice warmed in the morning is beneficial.

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